产品概述 Overview 设备适用于各式骨架类线圈、工字电感的自动浸助焊剂、焊锡生产。 Device is suitable for all kinds of skeleton classes coil, the word inductance auto dip flux, solder production. ─────────────────────────────────────── 设备特点Equipment Features ◆ 设备核心标准件全部采用进口高品质元器件。 Core standard equipment all imported high-quality components. ◆ 采用伺服电机驱动,保证设备稳定、高速、长期运行。 Servo motor drive, ensure that equipment is stable, high-speed, long-running. ◆ 设备的上料夹具采用可更换结构,方便更换机种。 Equipment, fixtures can be replaced on the material structure, easy replacement machine models. ◆ 适用于各种骨架类线圈、工字电感的自动上料,浸松香、焊锡、自动下料等工序,并且可以多角度焊锡,满足不同线圈需求。对于骨架类线圈*更换皮带线也可以使用。 Skeleton classes for a variety of coils, the word inductance of automatic feeding, dip rosin, solder, automatic cutting and other processes, and can be multi-angle solder, to meet the different needs of the coil. For the skeleton class coil without replacing the belt line can also be used. ─────────────────────────────────────── 适用线圈Scope 骨架类线圈、工字电感线圈等。 Skeleton class coil,I-shaped inductance coil. ─────────────────────────────────────── 焊锡机选项Soldering Machine Options 自动加助焊剂、自动加锡、振动盘送料、气动夹具、电动夹具等。 Automatic flux、automatic tin、vibration plate feeding、pneumatic fixture、electric fixture etc. ─────────────────────────────────────── 规格参数Specifications 型号 Model HA1415 HA2450 适用线圈规格范围 Coil specifications applicable 28*28 上料方式 Loading mode 手工上料 Manpower material loading 振动盘上料 Vibration plate feeding 下料方式 Blanking mode 输送带自动下料结构 Automatic conveyor belt blanking 取料夹具方式 Feeding fixture mode 气动夹具(4-15mm行程) Pneumatic fixture (4-15mm operate distance ) 电动夹具(4-50mm行程) Electric fixture (4-50mm operate distance) 焊锡偏转角度 Solder deflection 正负45°Positive and negative45° 出风口尺寸(mm) Outlet size 300 焊锡夹具有效长度(mm) Soldering fixture effective length 320 控制系统Control system 三菱可编程序控制器 Mitsubishi Programmable logic controller 人机界面Man-machine interface 7寸彩色触摸屏7-Inch color touch screen YZ轴移动距离(mm) YZ spindle distance Y:520 Z:100 YZ轴较高移动速度(mm/sec) YZ spindle max.speed 300 电源规格(v) Power supply specifications AC 220V±10%,50Hz/60Hz 功率(w)Power 2000 气源规格(mpa) Air specification 0.5~0.7 设备外形尺寸(mm) Overall dimensions 700(W)*980(D)*1850(H) 进料皮带线伸出长度(mm) 800 出料皮带线伸出长度(mm) 630 重量(kg)Weigh 350 公 司:珠海市艾森科技有限公司 电 话:+86-756-8305508(营业部) 联系人:雷先生 邮 箱:2698174495@ 地 址:广东省珠海市南屏科技园屏西八路2号B栋一楼 网 址:www.